Odds are, if you are a college student, you are going to have to take a math class at some point. Whether you are a full-on mathematics student or an art student who needs to fill a math requirement, it is important to try your best in math class. Even if you were a good math student in high school, studying at the college level is completely different.
Catherine Sheridan is a Finance Professional and math tutor who specializes in college entrance exam preparation. Today she shares her tips for how to study math in college.
- Have a study plan. College is very self-directed, so you need to be proactive about scheduling time during the week to study for each class.
- Take notes during class, and review them after class to retain the information better. Some people find it helpful to rewrite their notes in a more concise way, especially if you’re a messy note-taker!
- Set up some study sessions with your classmates. It is a great way to make friends and get some extra help if you get confused.
- Always look over last week’s notes before going to this week’s class.
- Don’t be afraid to see your professor during office hours if you need extra help. They want you to succeed!
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