Odds are, if you are a college student, you are going to have to take a math class at some point. Whether you are a full-on mathematics student or an art student who needs to fill a math requirement, it is important to try your best in math class. Even if you were a good […]
Education & Tutoring
What Is A Good SAT Score?
It is true that there are many colleges and universities in the United States that are experimenting with scrapping the SAT test requirement altogether. However, there are still just as many if not more schools that require you to take the test, so taking it will open up many more opportunities for you as you […]
How To Study For The SAT
Junior and senior year of high school is a really hectic time. Between classes, prom, hanging out with friends, part time jobs, it can be a lot. On top of that, you have to study for the SAT test, which can be incredibly stressful if you are planning on going to college. With the right […]
Common Studying Mistakes You Could Be Making
If you are a student in high school or college, you’ll know that studying effectively is an important part of learning the material. Even if you can skirt by in high school without studying, you definitely wont in college. That is why it is so vital to practice good studying habits early on. There are, […]
What to Bring to the SAT Test
Taking college entrance exam tests is a stressful time for high school students. It is easy to put a lot of pressure in yourself and get anxious about the day. Taking some time to prepare and set yourself up for success can go a long way in easing the nerves. One things to consider is […]
How to Study for Math Tests
Math tests can cause a lot of anxiety for students, especially if math is neither your favorite or best subject. Even if it isn’t your strong suit, any student can learn to be good at and even enjoy math by implementing some good study habits. Catherine Sheridan is a finance professional currently working with Race […]
How to Find the Right Tutor
There are many times in someone’s education where they may benefit from having a tutor. Kids may need extra help in certain subjects that their school teacher can’t give them. High school students can benefit from having a tutor for SAT prep. Even college students may need to hire a tutor if they are struggling […]
Top Reasons Students Struggle with the SAT
If you are a high school student looking to get into college, you know that college entrance exams are super important. They can cause a lot of stress for students because the stakes feel so high. There are things you can do to alleviate your stress and prepare for the exam, though. Catherine Sheridan is […]